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Ebook | 31 minute read

Implementing an Omnichannel eCommerce Strategy

Connecting with your customers at their convenience

What is Omnichannel eCommerce and why is it important?

Customer demands in today’s market have set a high bar for brands looking to compete digitally. Prior to COVID-19, businesses globally, from retailers to B2B wholesalers, were already navigating an entirely new, growing digital landscape. Consumers were pining for more convenience, better product information, customized experiences, and brand affiliation; And were using a myriad of channels and devices to do so.

The competition for a prominent digital presence was already fierce, and the pandemic only accelerated the need for businesses to expand their digital footprint, while also introducing new constraints to the buying cycle. Brick and mortar stores were closed, delivery spiked, and services like contactless checkout and curbside pickup became a necessity for both businesses and consumers alike.

The pandemic shifted the focus to digital-only channels and forced companies to operate at a higher level of digital maturity or build a strategy to break into the landscape altogether. For brands looking to stay relevant, outpace competition, and scale their business, this means amplifying their digital commerce strategy across the growing network of available channels.

According to a 2017 study by Harvard Business Review, 73% of online shoppers were using multiple channels in their purchasing process. In the same study, Harvard Business Review discovered that the value of a customer increased the more channels they used:

  • Customers would spend 4% more in any given shopping experience in store and 10% more online than any single channel customer
  • Customers that also used 4 or more channels, spent 9% more in-store when compared to just one channel

However, it’s important to note that as the total number of brand touchpoints increases, so does the need for a consistent and seamless experience.

This is why omnichannel eCommerce, a commerce strategy focused on leveraging and integrating multiple online and offline channels, has become essential for businesses looking to ensure growth and stay competitive. An omnichannel approach is designed to connect every available touchpoint to give shoppers a seamless end-to-end purchasing experience.

Continue reading our guide below to learn:

  • How omnichannel ecommerce differs from a common, multichannel approach
  • What an omnichannel strategy entails
  • The top benefits of deploying an omnichannel ecommerce strategy
  • Core omnichannel ecommerce challenges and recommendations on how to overcome them
  • How a Headless Architecture can enhance your omnichannel strategy
  • How Elastic Path will simplify managing an omnichannel ecommerce strategy

Omnichannel vs. Multichannel eCommerce

Multichannel vs omnichannel ecommerce

Before diving into the specifics around why and how to implement an omnichannel approach, it’s important to clarify how it differs from a multichannel strategy.

Single Channel Commerce:

As it sounds, a single channel eCommerce business sells their products through one channel. Whether that’s through their own storefront, online, or in a marketplace like Amazon, they have a brand presence in only one location.

Multichannel Commerce:

With a multichannel eCommerce approach, businesses sell their products or services across a multitude of channels, enabling customers to engage with their business and buy through different touchpoints. This could mean adding in a mobile experience, or selling through social media in addition to selling in your online store.

Though a multichannel eCommerce approach allows you to deploy multiple touch points, a multichannel strategy specifically focuses on optimizing each of those individual touchpoints in silos rather than optimizing all together for the entire customer journey.

Omnichannel eCommerce:

As defined by HubSpot, an “Omni-channel experience is a multi-channel approach to marketing, selling, and serving customers in a way that creates an integrated and cohesive customer experience no matter how or where a customer reaches out.”

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Unlike multichannel eCommerce, Omnichannel eCommerce gives customers a seamless shopping experience by stitching together each channel, medium, and device they use to engage with a brand.

It enables companies to deliver consistent messaging across each medium and allows customers to carry their experience from one channel to another. This gives them more control over how they search and buy based on their timeline, needs, and preferences.

This provides a more convenient shopping experience, which is one of the biggest influencing factors in buying behavior today. Aligning all of these pieces for both the customer and the company means a better bottom line.

According to Invesp’s “State of Omnichannel Shopping,” shoppers who buy from a business both in-store and online have a 30% higher lifetime value than those who shop using only one channel.

The Three Cornerstones of an Omnichannel Strategy

There are three areas every business needs to build upon, scale, and optimize to have a successful omnichannel business: sales and marketing, operations, and company employees. It can be easy to gravitate towards the customer-facing channels and spend more time iterating on your sales and marketing mix, but the back-end tech stack, processes, and even internal employees are equally as important. Each of these cornerstones need to be cultivated and seamlessly integrated for your omnichannel strategy to work.

1. Sales & Marketing Channels

Your sales and marketing channels are the customer-facing touchpoints your consumers will use to actively engage with your business; whether they’re purchasing for the first time, the 5th time, reading reviews, returning products, or looking for support. This is why these are the first cornerstones of your omnichannel strategy.

These channels are where you have the opportunity to build customer relationships, drive a positive brand identity, and sell your products to grow your business. Therefore, it’s vital that each channel maintain consistent and up-to-date messaging, as well as provide easy-to-find and accurate product information, such as pricing and availability.

Where you sell your goods will ultimately depend on your products or services, industry, location, and most importantly, customer preferences. You may decide to not make every touchpoint transactional depending on your business requirements, but they can still be just as important to your customer journey and brand perception.

Sales marketing omnichannels copy

Typical sales and marketing channels could include:

  • Your website
  • Brick and mortar stores
  • Social media platforms
  • Mobile sites & apps
  • DTC Marketplaces
  • B2B Wholesale
  • Resellers / Partners
  • Traditional sales teams

Many of these channels will naturally help drive traffic for your business, but you can’t rely solely on organic means and word of mouth to scale and grow. Some of these marketing channels even offer advertising, but not all, so it’s important you consider additional traditional and digital marketing methods to engage your customers.

Again, what mediums you use will depend on your business strategy, but ensuring your customers are getting the right messaging and the right time will ensure a consistent brand experience. These marketing channels could include:

  • Email marketing
  • Advertising on search networks like Google, bing, and YouTube
  • Social media ads on Facebook, linkedin, Twitter, Instagram, and even maybe Reddit, TikTok
  • Events and tradeshows
  • Guerilla marketing tactics
  • Print & traditional media (think billboards)

2. Tech Stack & Operations

Omnichannel techstack

Your internal tech-stack and the operational processes that connect your customers’ desires with your team internally are the second pillar to an omnichannel ecommerce strategy. These are what will keep your business running smoothly.

Your tech stack incorporates every piece of technology and systems workflows that operate behind-the-scenes. This can include the content management system (CMS) your online store is hosted on, the point-of-sale (POS) system your in-store shops use, the customer service software your customer success team uses, the inventory management platform you use to monitor and track your stock of goods, and the eCommerce solution that enables and integrates payments and processes across all of your channels.

How these work together determines whether or not customer payments are processed, products are shipped and delivered, support tickets answered, and data is properly gathered and maintained. Failing operations can lead to frustrating experiences and ultimately hurt your business by deterring new customers and keeping current ones from returning.

This is why it’s important you leverage the systems and tools that make sense for your business’ requirements and ensure they are integrated and synced.

3. People & Processes

With an omnichannel approach, you need a team that can effectively manage and optimize all of your channels, which is why the final pillar of an omnichannel strategy is the employees that make up your business.

This encompasses any and all personnel at your company, whether they’re customer facing or not, including your on-the-floor general manager, marketing team, product development team, internal sales team if you’re in the B2B space, and so on.

To make your omnichannel eCommerce dreams a reality, there needs to be consistency in how these groups interoperate and by what processes they follow.

Your employees are the masterminds behind the aesthetics of your website, your digital advertising strategy, the product experience and usability, your financial operations, and customer retention initiatives. This is why it’s important to hire the right people, ensure they’re set up to succeed.


Is your business is ready for an omnichannel approach?

Set up time with an Elastic Path expert today and find out if we're the right fit for your business.

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What are the benefits of omnichannel eCommerce?

An omnichannel strategy promises a number of benefits for both the business and the consumer, ultimately resulting in improved customer experiences and a higher bottom line.

Consistent Messaging & Personalized Experiences

Today’s consumers want to be able to search for products and product information easily, compare pricing, and get personalized recommendations. 74% of online customers get frustrated with websites when content appears that has nothing to do with their interests.

This means that businesses need to learn what customers are looking for and adjust their approach accordingly. Some of these strategies could include hiding products the customer is less likely to buy and sending updates and promotions on products they’re searching for.

With an omnichannel eCommerce strategy, businesses can unify their customer’s journey across every touchpoint and provide a smooth, informative, and enjoyable experience. While it’s easier to maintain consistent brand and product messaging across every channel, businesses will also have the opportunity to cater the customer experience to the individual shopper.

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These are just a few of the ways eCommerce businesses should consider personalizing shopping experiences:

  • Web and email personalization
  • Custom content offers leveraging blogs and videos
  • Geolocation for a personalized experience based on city or even country

The ability to carry personalized experiences across channels is a cornerstone of omnichannel eCommerce and will help businesses stand out, grow their customer database, and keep it.

More Convenient Shopping Methods

The modern customer journey is no longer a straightforward path. Consumers could engage with a brand up to 15 to 20 times before buying. This could be through customer reviews, third-party sellers, online, or through their email.

By integrating the myriad of channels at a business’s disposal, companies can better understand that journey, how those touch points interact, and provide a frictionless shopping experience that caters to the whims and behaviors of their customers. These behaviors could include:

  • Buy online and pick up in-store
  • Buy online and return in-store
  • Curb-side pickup
  • Shopping in-store and having the product delivered
  • Starting a cart from a mobile device and checking out online on a desktop computer

Companies should be empowering the consumer to interact with their brand and in a way that feels natural to them, which is why businesses should consider adopting an omnichannel strategy.

Boosted Brand Loyalty & Customer Retention

Omnichannel brand loyalty

“Companies with omnichannel customer engagement strategies retain on average 89% of their customers, compared to 33% for companies with weak omnichannel customer engagement” (Source: Aberdeen Group VIA Internet Retailer).

By providing more convenient shopping methods, more places to engage with a brand, personalized experiences, and frictionless service between channels, businesses can boost their brand’s loyalty and keep customers from churning.

In addition, customers with positive experiences are more likely to leave reviews, give referrals to friends and family and increase your world-of-mouth, and ultimately shop with you again. The more seamless the experience, the less likely they are to abandon their shopping cart.

Better Data Collection & Understanding of the Buyer’s Journey

Siloed data makes an already complex buying journey even harder to analyze. For any operations or data teams, it’s like building four separate puzzles to get the full picture. It means piecing together data from a variety of sources to try and build connections and storylines across a customer’s journey.

Integrating channels will merge prospective customer and customer data providing businesses a better end-to-end picture of the buyer’s journey. With complete, organized and centralized data, you will be able to see what products or content consumers are engaging with, how they’re interacting with them, on what channels, and at what point in time. This will give you valuable data-driven insights that can be used to continue to optimize the end-user experience.

Omnichannel customer journey

Increased Sales & Product Discoverability

Standing out in the digital landscape is the key to success, and a hurdle every business faces. COVID-19 exacerbated the need to digitize commerce by forcing both customers and businesses alike to turn to the web for everyday needs, increasing the competition for the already-short customer attention span.

Omnichannel increased sales

As mentioned previously, a Harvard Business Review study found that the more channels a customer uses, they’re more likely to spend both in store and online. Giving customers multiple pathways to engage with your brand only means more revenue.

It also means your product or services have a wider market reach. Customers today are constantly seeking new ways to engage with brands and by meeting them when and where they are, or when they’re on the hunt, you’re more likely to be discovered. Expanding to new channels, like working with marketplaces, building loyalty apps, or introducing in-person pop ups, only give your brand more visibility as consumers flow in and out of different pathways.

Challenges with omnichannel eCommerce

The success of an omnichannel approach is contingent on effectively integrating all of the various channels a business leverages. This means not only ensuring sales channels and customer communication channels are interconnected, but also that all of the systems and back-end logistics are synced and coordinated as well.

These can be complex and time-consuming to get right, which is why they are some of the most common pitfalls companies run into while implementing an omnichannel eCommerce strategy.

Inventory & Shipping Logistics

Giving the customer a consistent experience across every channel is important, especially when it comes to inventory, pricing, & shipping. You can break this down into multiple related sub-challenges, all reflective of the product inventory infrastructure.

Omnichannel ecommerce fullfilment

Logistics challenge #1: Consistent Inventory Across Channels

  • With an omnichannel strategy in place, all of your channels are connected to and limited to the same supply stock. Many businesses fall into old habits and allocate more inventory to the original or most active channels. When you do this, you run the risk of not fulfilling orders from your other secondary and tertiary channels, and giving customers bad service.

Logistics challenge #2: In-store vs. online stock

  • Companies need to maintain accurate volume counts for products that are available both in-store and online. However, product inventory in brick-and-mortar stores fluctuates and can change fairly quickly. How you display this online can actually cannibalize online eCommerce transactions, and ultimately overarching sales. While in-person locations might be out of certain products, they could still be available online for customers to buy and have delivered.

Logistics Challenge #3: Fulfillment Infrastructure

  • Where your inventory is stored and how it’s managed will directly correlate to your customer’s experience and your ability to meet their demands. Over or under-ordering products, or poor inventory management, can cause confusion with distribution and channel allocation, as well as lower sales.
  • In today’s market, you need to provide contact information, return policies that are easy to navigate, varied shipping options, and quick delivery. To do so, you need to ensure your inventory warehouses are not only organized, but also in locations that are convenient to your customers and other sales channels. Each of these locations should also be able process orders and returns.

The easiest way to overcome inventory and shipping logistics challenges is by leveraging an inventory management system and ensuring its integrated with your ecommerce solution for seamless and fast data processing.

Data Privacy and Security

The more data accessible to you, the more you can optimize and personalize your customer’s experience. But, while customers today love to see personalized recommendations and ads, they also fear for their privacy. With massive data breaches like that of Target in 2014, where 70 million customers had their credit card, debit card, and personal information stolen, it’s a warranted concern.

Omnichannel data privacy

As you start to integrate your existing channels and adopt new tools and processes to maximize efficiency, you are by and large consolidating all of your data and increasing its exposure to new variables and risks.

Making your transition smooth and ensuring your company isn’t liable for any data handling mishaps means you will need to identify and set up new levels of access and restrictions for various employees, ensure your data is encrypted, your software up-to-date, and updates are regularly scheduled. You will also need to ensure that general industry guidelines for security and data privacy, such as GDPR and CASL are followed.

Some additional actions include:

  • Following password protection processes internally including never sharing passwords, requiring ‘strong’ passwords, and leveraging a password manager
  • Introducing multi-step authentication, like the two-step verification that Okta provides, to your business processes
  • Having your IT team train your employees on the various data attack types and run phishing or other security tests
  • Evaluating the built-in security features of your current CMS and determine if they are sufficient
  • Getting SSL certificates for your website and switch to HTTPS

Globalization & Localization

Globalization is realistically a challenge regardless of whether your eCommerce approach is single channel, multichannel, or omnichannel. If you’re expanding your business to cover multiple geographies, you should take the language, currency, laws, and cultural trends of the countries you’re selling to into consideration to be successful.

Buyers in the United Kingdom will prefer to see their final cost in British pounds; European buyers, euros. Having a localized site that users can read in their preferred language will bolster the user experience. Data privacy standards will vary between countries and ultimately, products that are popular in one place may simply not be in another.

The same can be said for particular sales channels. If you’re selling regulated goods digitally, they could even be illegal in some locations and not others. This holds true as well for cross-state purchases even within the US.

Omnichannel globalization

Implementing this with a single channel or multichannel approach is difficult. An omnichannel eCommerce framework only exacerbates these challenges. Leveraging a product information management platform (PIM) or an ecommerce solution that can handle managing multiple catalogs, pricebooks, and currencies like Elastic Path, will ensure you can easily deliver your personalized, global experiences.

Lack of technology and infrastructure:

The existing technological infrastructure of a business is often the biggest challenge companies will face when implementing an omnichannel eCommerce strategy. Companies often find they’re missing the right pieces to make it work or that their current tech stack is not modern enough to support the new, complex omnichannel requirements. Businesses today need to leverage partners and other 3rd party platforms to make omnichannel commerce a reality.

  • Building a solid partner network: The right partners can make or break your business and therefore you need to ensure you’re building relationships and working with ones that fit your needs. Whether that’s on logistics, shipping, reselling or wholesaling.
  • Leveraging a flexible, modular eCommerce solution: When evaluating what tools and processes to bring on board, companies are often faced with the reality that their existing commerce platform won’t be able to support their new needs or grow and scale with an omnichannel strategy. Many are forced to look at replatforming their eCommerce solution, or bringing on additional support. There is no one-size-fits-all platform, so it’s vital that your business choose a solution that addresses your particular requirements.


Creating an omnichannel experience can be expensive. New tools may need to be adopted, new processes will need to be introduced, and employees trained or even hired. Depending on the scale and complexity of the project, the costs and timeline will vary.

The key is to evaluate your current business holistically, determine what aspects need to be changed, adjusted, or introduced entirely, and start scoping out costs.

How Headless Commerce Architecture Can Simplify an Omnichannel Strategy

Headless commerce is a rapidly growing approach to eCommerce that decouples the front-end customer experience from the back-end logic and commerce functionality that drives the business. A true headless solution will be built as a network of eCommerce APIs that can be composed into different services and features. It is not a traditional style platform that simply separates the front-end.

A headless architecture enables companies to build custom digital commerce experiences that are unique to their business and catered to their customers, while also giving them freedom to adjust, update, and maintain back-end business processes.

There are a number of benefits to going headless, but when it comes to building omnichannel experiences, headless commerce solutions excel in a few areas specifically:

Providing custom, personalized experiences across every touchpoint

  • With complete design freedom on the front-end, businesses can build their shopping experiences exactly how they imagined, whether that’s the look and feel of their online store, or their self-checkout app.

Introducing new sales channels by making any touchpoint transactional

  • The nature of headless commerce architecture makes it easier to build and deliver digital commerce experiences on non-traditional touch points, meaning businesses can connect with their customers where they are, with an experience that is catered to them.

Integrating with the omnichannel ecosystem by providing better flexibility for working with 3rd party tools

  • Traditional eCommerce platforms will impose an architecture that’s difficult to navigate or diverge from so many businesses are locked into what they can and cannot do. If there isn’t an out-of-the-box integration with a particular tool or service, it’s either never going to happen or will require custom development work, which can be both time-consuming and expensive.
  • With headless architecture, teams can choose any platform or tool that fits their needs and leverage the APIs to stitch everything together. This means businesses can use whatever OMS, IMS, PIM or ERP they need.

Launching updates and new features faster with better scalability

  • With traditional, monolithic platforms, it could easily take months to build and launch new channels or experiences. Consumer buying behaviors can change quickly and if companies can’t keep up, their business can suffer. Headless commerce makes it easier to rapidly iterate and deploy changes as well as spin up and manage new routes to market.
  • Medimpact, for example, a healthcare company that links patients, pharmacists, and physicians through an online portal, was able to launch fully embedded commerce functionality on their website in just 4 weeks with headless commerce. This made it possible for patients to finally prepay for their prescriptions and the company to expand their service offerings.


Overcome Omnichannel Challenges with Headless Commerce

Discover more about how to simplify your omnichannel strategy with a headless solution like Elastic Path.

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How Elastic Path Can Boost Your Omnichannel Approach

Elastic Path Commerce Cloud takes headless commerce to a whole new level. It is a composable, API-first, Headless Commerce solution that will enable you to tackle the core omnichannel eCommerce requirements, from providing custom commerce experiences and enabling brand loyalty, to introducing new channels, and growing revenue, while making it a more seamless internal experience.

Overcome globalization, localization, and catalog challenges with Catalog Composer

Omnichannel PCM

Omnichannel brands with myriads of touchpoints, or even multiple sub-brands, can ease the stress of manually managing separate catalogs with EP Product Experience Manager (PXM) from Elastic Path. The core Elastic Path Commerce Cloud feature will centralize where and how your product catalogs are managed and maintained, by decoupling product data from price books, hierarchies, and catalogs.

By leverage Catalog Composer, within EP PXM, you can create unlimited product catalogs quickly and seamlessly for different customer accounts, business models, customer touchpoints, and geographies. It was designed to handle dynamic pricing, discounts, and custom attributes at high speeds, even for catalogs with millions of products, so you can meet customer needs and have your infrastructure scale with your business.

For brands looking to expand their reach or easily support their global business, Catalog Composer allows you to compose, manage, and optimize unique catalogs for each country so that you can power country, or locale, specific product assortments and pricing without the hassle of cumbersome customizations.

Address Data Privacy Concerns

Omnichannel data privacy

Your brand identity hinges not only on your ability to deliver a smooth and unique user journey, but also a safe and secure experience. Data breaches have taken down some of the world’s largest brands and you don’t want to end up on that list.

Elastic Path Commerce cloud offers enterprise-grade security so you can feel confident your customer’s data is protected around the clock. It is the only headless solution in the market today that is officially SOC2 compliant.

The Role-Based Access Control feature will also enable you to easily provision the appropriate level of access to data for various employees. You can assign unique roles to each member of your team based on their roles and responsibilities, keeping everyone organized, efficient, and most importantly, your data secure.

Get Support from a Comprehensive Partner Network

Brands in need of replacing existing pieces of their commerce tech stack or are looking for partner support, can choose from a wide variety available in the Composable Commerce Hub, an open exchange of solutions and integrations from leading vendors in the commerce market. Regardless of your technical expertise, you can quickly build and launch custom commerce experiences.

For those who aren’t looking to custom build an omnichannel experience from scratch and need a ‘ready-to-go’ solution that is quicker, we have a myriad of partners who have already composed business ready solutions for you to leverage.

These Pre-Composed Solutions pre-integrate Elastic Path Commerce Cloud capabilities with third party technology so you don’t have to. With six available for direct-to-consumer (D2C) and omnichannel functionality, you can get up and running quickly.

The flexible nature of Elastic Path Commerce Cloud also means you can swap out the pre-integrated solutions for a partner of your own choosing when you are ready to build on your own.

Reduce Your Total Cost of Ownership

Lastly, you will be able to cut the total cost of ownership of your ecommerce solution by up to 47% and reduce implementation time with Elastic path.

Omnichannel tco

The composable architecture of Elastic Path Commerce Cloud means you can quickly try new ideas, swap out existing integrations, and reduce downtime for maintenance without incurring technical debt and lowering your costs. You’ll de-risk your projects by cutting down on development time and making updates and adding in new capabilities quicker and easier.

You can check out our full guide on total cost of ownership here to learn more.

It’s not the death of the salesman either, but the role will change.

  • Traditionally, those in the B2B or manufacturing space have sold through, either exclusively or partially, a sales force. With today’s consumer constantly on the hunt for more information, product updates, and comparisons, it’s actually more important that the sales representative doesn’t disappear.
  • B2B buyers need to do research too and will still choose the pathway that gives them the most convenient, informative, and frictionless experience. A business’ sales team needs to grow into a more strategic role, enabled with data and real-time knowledge, so they can build and deepen the customer connection to the brand.

Expect more, fragmented channels.

  • With the proliferation of devices, technologies, and the expansion of IoT over the past two decades, you can bet your bottom dollar that there will be new digital interfaces to integrate with and new trends to take advantage of in the next two.
  • This could be the next Instagram or TikTok, Alexa, Google Glass (if it’s not them someone else will try and make it happen) or in-car and VR purchases. You will want to ensure your tech stack and core commerce technology are flexible enough to help you keep up. This is why API-first, headless solutions are so important to your success.

Your choice of tools, platforms, and solutions will also grow.

  • The expansion of tech doesn’t only apply to consumer-used technology. As customer demands shift and new ones arise, as will the specialized tools or solutions used to address them. New vendors will break into the landscape with a wide array of uses.
  • There are already a number of vendors in the market today, from search providers and payment solutions, to shopping cart platforms and content management systems. It will become more important to keep an eye on not only customer demands, but also your own tech stack. You need to ensure your internal infrastructure will continue to support your changing business requirements.

Attribution, predictive analytics, & AI will become essential.

  • Expanding go-to-market channels and evolving customer demands means you’ll have to start getting creative. You’ll already have a centralized data set to work with, but unless you have billions in the marketing budget, your brand can’t be everywhere all the time.
  • Truly understanding where to reach customers, when to reach them, what messaging to use, and which products to deliver will be the key to success; And it all starts with how they engaged with you in the first place. There are a number of solutions to help with data analysis, but it will need to be a continued high-priority as the customer landscape changes.

Don’t wait! Start building your Omnichannel eCommerce strategy today.

74% of consumers are willing to abandon a brand if the purchasing process isn't easy to navigate. They expect a seamless, convenient shopping experience, regardless of whether they’re a B2B or B2C buyer. As competition rises and an increasing number of companies have to accelerate their shift to digital commerce, it’s more important than ever that businesses meet those customer demands. Engaging with customers at their level, on their time frame, is key.

An omnichannel eCommerce strategy built with a solid infrastructure will keep consumers happy, build brand loyalty, and ultimately grow your bottom line.

Boost Your Omnichannel Strategy Today

Discover how to propel your omnichannel strategy with Elastic Path Commerce Cloud and easily make any customer touchpoint a revenue generating channel.