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Dec 8, 2023 | 6 minute read

Elastic Path’s new Shopify integration increases AOV, conversion rate, revenue – without a full-on replatform

written by Seamus Roddy

Say you’re a brand using Shopify or Shopify Plus to power your commerce. You run lean and fast, your business and product lines are growing, and some of your 2024 goals include…

  • Increasing your units per transaction (UPT)
  • Increasing your average unit retail (AUR)
  • Moving excess inventory
  • Increasing average order volume
  • Setting up shoppable landing pages to create private sales for VIP customers

The problem? At some point, increasing UPT, AUR, and AOV, moving excess inventory, and offering private sales has to include dynamic product bundling. And Shopify bundles are broken.

Fortunately, Elastic Path Composer’s Integrations Hub now offers a Shopify integration that allows you to augment your Shopify solution with Elastic Path Product Experience Manager’s leading bundle capabilities. Learn about Elastic Path’s new Shopify integration, how it can help your business, and why this integration helps deliver on the Unplatform™ – a gradual approach to solving commerce problems that doesn’t require an expensive replatform.

The Problem: You run your commerce on Shopify, but the bundling capabilities aren’t getting the job done

Shopify can be a good place to run an online store, but its bundling capabilities are limited. Just check out real, recent user reviews.

With Shopify, you’re limited to 10 product bundles and 100 variants. You can’t apply one bundle to multiple products, and you can’t customize pricing and offer special discounts.

So, what are your options?

  • Do you just leave conversions and revenue on the table and scrap dynamic bundling altogether?
  • Do you sit and wait for Shopify to improve its bundling capabilities and accept mediocre functionality in the meantime?
  • Do you launch a replatform that could cost hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars to unlock bundling capabilities?

None of those answers are correct. Starting now, you can stay on Shopify and get the best bundling capabilities possible from Elastic Path.

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The Solution: You don’t have to replatform or rip-and-replace with Elastic Path’s Shopify integration

Our Shopify integration uses two leading Elastic Path products.

Elastic Path Composer, the only iPaaS purpose-built for commerce, provides a centralized place to orchestrate and manage a composable commerce solution. That includes Integrations Hub, a library of no-code, instant-on integrations, including the Shopify integration.

In only a few minutes, brands using Elastic Path Composer can use Integrations Hub to turn on the Shopify integration. Moving forward, Composer offers a central place to monitor this integration and troubleshoot issues.

In addition to Composer, the Shopify integration uses Product Experience Manager, our product merchandising and catalog management tool.

Once you turn on the Shopify integration, you can create bundles – with no limits on variants or pricing – directly in Product Experience Manager.

Using Elastic Path APIs, these bundles will auto-populate directly in your Shopify storefront. You’re getting leading bundle capabilities from Elastic Path without ripping and replacing your overall commerce solution on Shopify.

Our Shopify integration also allows you to create sale prices for your bundled products, something Shopify Bundles doesn’t enable.

In the above video, it took one minute to set a sale price for a bundled product. Now, you have the ability to run flash sales that increase AOV and revenue – and you didn’t have to leave replatform away from Shopify to make it happen.

The Shopify integration and the Unplatform

Our Shopify integration is another step towards the Unplatform – adopting modular products that solve business challenges piece-by-piece without a time-consuming, costly replatform. In this case, Elastic Path Product Experience Manager offers a bundling capabilities Shopify doesn’t without forcing a revamp of your entire commerce offering.

Remember that this integration, like the Unplatform in general, offers a connective framework in Composer that binds your best-for-me components together as a single solution. Using Composer’s Monitor tool, you can ensure that this integration is performing with unified visibility including log monitoring, event tracking, and alerts – reducing the risk and complexity of a multi-vendor commerce solution.

In practice, the Unplatform and our Shopify integration mean that you can offer a Shopify-powered cart and checkout alongside dynamic bundles from Product Experience Manager. You get a commerce solution that converts and drives revenue – all without revamping everything about your commerce offering and spending millions of dollars.

Talk to one of our commerce experts today to hear more about this integration, the Unplatform, and commerce solutions that can boost your business without breaking the bank.

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