Once again, the end of the month means a roundup of fantastic content you may have missed on ecommerce and digital marketing topics. Enjoy!
- Chances are, your personas are not performing. Why not? Bryan Eisenberg explains where many marketers' personas fall flat with Personas: the magic behind the mirror.
If you're wondering what's the hype around infographics, KISSmetrics has whipped up this little videographic about infographics (if you can't see video, view it on the Web here):
- If you're a marketers, you're undoubtedly bummed about Google's "not provided" decision. What does that mean for SEO going forward? Avinash Kaushik also offers valuable perspective on keyword not provided, as Google's own analytics evangelist.
- Why is it a bad idea to redesign and replatform at the same time?
- Smashing Magazine Best Of Both Worlds: Mixing HTML5 And Native Code has some savvy advice for hybrid mobile application design and development.
- Do you know what makes an optimal mobile checkout? The Baymard Institute does.
- How about mobile forms? Check out Econsultancy's simple tips for improving mobile form UX.
- While we're on the topics of mobile and SEO -- check out Mobify's free (and un-gated) Mobile SEO guide.
- How can ecommerce sites use urgency to lift conversion? Econsultancy counts the ways (hint: 15).